
MYHA Family - We do this together

Marshfield Youth Hockey Association is a volunteer run organization. As part of the MYHA hockey family, we look to you to provide some of the many hours needed to make our association run smoothly and to keep registration fees down. It takes a lot of volunteers to help provide the best experience possible for our players, families, and fans.

Please read the following information carefully!

General Info


Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator

Lea Merkel

Volunteer Coordinator


MYHA Website

We have partnered with Crossbar.org to manage our website. To get started with the site, the first step for you is to create a new account if you haven't already done so. See our Parent Info page for instructions on how to get your account set up.

Concession Stand Volunteer Requirements

  • First year families: 8 hours
  • Returning families: 15 hours

** This requirement is per family, it includes all the skaters in your family registered at MYHA,  Marshfield High School, and WVU Coop.

  • 1st Year Families:  Families with only new skaters, they never skated before.
  • Returning Families: Families with returning skaters.
  • New to our Association Families: Even if you’re new to our association, but your child skated at another association, you are considered a returning family.

Claiming Volunteer Opportunities

To Claim a Volunteer Shift

  1. Log into your account
  2. Go to your Account main page (where your players are listed) and click Volunteer from the menu on the left. You can find the same page by clicking the Volunteer button at the bottom of these instructions.
  3. On this Volunteer Opportunities page are all of the open volunteer sessions.
  4. Scroll down to the botton of the desired volunteer session and click the More Information button
  5. *Please read the information under the session title
  6. Scroll down to find the volunteer shift you want to work and click the green plus sign to claim the shift.

To Cancel a Volunteer Shift

  1. To cancel a shift you sign up for, simply click the red minus sign. You have until 7 days prior to the start of the shift to cancel.
  2. If it is within the 7 day cancellation period, you will have to email our Volunteer Coordinator. Contact info is below.

Lea Merkel

Volunteer Coordinator

Volunteer Hours Tracking

We will not be keeping track of your volunteer hours on the spreadsheet like we have done in the past. All your volunteer requirements will be in your Crossbar account. Your volunteer positions and other exemptions will be entered in this account. If your volunteer positions and exemptions have not been entered or they change during the season, please let our Volunteer Coordinator know as soon as you can (contact info above).

To find your Volunteering information, click on "Account" at the top of the page. Then click on "Volunteer" from the menu on the left. The button below will take you there as well.

Guidelines for Concession Stand Volunteers

Age requirements

  • You must be 16 years of age to work in the concession stand, unsupervised.
  • Children 14 – 15 years of age may work with a parent.
  • Children under the age of 14 are NOT allowed in the concession stand for any reason.

Concessions Job Descriptions

Please read the concessions job descriptions prior to signing up for DIBS. The job descriptions can be found on the Concessions page or by clicking on the button below.

Canceled Volunteer Shifts

You are responsible for finding your own replacement if you cannot work your scheduled shift(s). If you or your replacement fail to show up for the shift, it will result in a $75 fine.

Hire out Concession hours

You can hire someone to work your hours. Use your account to sign up for the dib, put that person’s name in the fulfiller field, but use your contact information. If you or your hired helper fail to show up for the shift, it will result in a $75 fine.

Extra concessions credit

If you work a concession shift and stay longer because your replacement worker was late coming in or didn’t show up, please email our Volunteer Coordinator with details so you can get proper credit for your hours.

Credit for canceled games/open skate DIBS

You will receive credit for the shift you signed up for, if the shift is canceled less than 48 hours prior to the scheduled game or open skate start time.

Buy-out option

You may choose to buy-out of your required concessions hours. The fee is $450. Please contact the MYHA president for more information (myha.president@gmail.com).


In addition to no-show fines of $75, families will be charged a fine of $30 for every concession hour not completed (you did not sign up/worked all required concession hours).  The total amount will be invoiced prior to the beginning of next season.  Failure to pay the invoice in full will disqualify your skater from participating on the ice.

Workers for Hire

Need help covering your concessions shifts? Please see the list of workers below who are interested in covering shifts for a fee. Contact them directly and please be respectful!! Remember, you are still ultimately responsible for your shift being covered! See the worker for hire policy here.

Name Phone #
Camden Kolstad 715-897-5554
Delaney Varsho 715-240-8774

Other/Game Duties


There is no minimum game duty hours requirement for this season.  However, we expect every family, regardless of exemption status, to participate and help run our games and tournaments successfully.

Game Duties Tracking

Game duties will not be posted in Crossbar, they will be scheduled and recorded by the Team Managers.  These duties include:  penalty box, score sheet, scoreboard, music, announcing, and Zamboni.

Concessions Weekend On-Call

Weekend on-call position will be assigned to a team and the Team Manager will take care of the sign up.  This position can be held by one or more persons. You will receive credit ONLY for the hours you work in concessions (help because it’s busy, or fill in for a no-show or tardy).

Zamboni Training

Zamboni training is provided at the beginning of the hockey season.  Zamboni training can also be provided by an experienced Zam driver anytime during the season.

Fall and Spring Jobs

All returning MYHA families are required to perform a fall or a spring job, regardless of buy-out or exemption status. These will be posted on the MYHA website. Fall jobs are scheduled for September and Spring jobs are scheduled for April.

1st year families and families with only a graduating High School skater (boys or girls) are exempt.

Please double check your family information in your Crossbar account (your volunteer positions and volunteer hours requirement). Notify our Volunteer Coordinator of any corrections, updates throughout the season, and any problems as soon as you can. Do not wait until the end of the season to try to resolve any problems.

To register for 2024 Fall Jobs, click the button below.

Confirm Delete
Click the delete icon again to confirm. Click escape to cancel.