High School Hockey

Registration for this program is required for MHS Tiger Boys and WVU Girls high school hockey program families. This is a free, no cost registration which must be completed in order to allow for MYHA to track volunteer requirements for MHS Tiger Boys and WVU girls families.

Parents new to this site, please find the Parent Info page under the Resources section for instructions on creating your account with us. Also please find information about volunteer requirements on the Volunteering page under that same Resources section.

When you are ready, please click the Register button to the right to Register your skater. Thank you, and good luck to our MHS Tiger Boys and WVU Girls this season!


For registration related questions, please contact our Registrar

Matt Immerfall


For volunteering related questions, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator

Lea Merkel

Volunteer Coordinator


Free, no cost registration which is required for MHS Tiger Boys and WVU Girls Hockey families in order to fulfill your volunteering requirements.

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